Searching for the newest and best Nascar Heat 5 setups and tuning options that worked, but they just seem to elude you?
We know very well how important a setup is in the NASCAR Cup as well as in NH5 with it being one of the tougher circuits like Kentucky.
If you are able to crack the low 30’s, then you will need to decrease the time spent not utilizing the throttle.
Aim to achieve a camber of negative 3.5 on the front right and positive 4.5 degrees on the front left with a lock of around 6.0 degrees.
That high positive camber on the front left will help you a lot in the initial turn-in where the maximum lateral load is on the right hand tires, hence negative camber will assist in the mid-corner grip phase where most of the lateral load is on the right wheel.
A stiff front swaybar not lower than 1.775 would be ideal since it will assist the rotation of the vehicle without endangering the balance of the rear in the process of turning.
The need to keep oversteer down is extremely critical, otherwise, the driver will begin to lose trust and more importantly, time.
Ensure that you enter the lap with a solid slipstream so that, by utilizing the drafting effect, you can save up to 3 to 4 tenths of a second on your lap time!
Nascar Heat 5 Kentucky Cup – video onboard
Now a few words of inspiration from the Setup Man and this time we went around Kentucky onboard video that promises to improve your technique and, in the long run, your lap times.
If you’re wondering about the setup you saw in a Gears of War tournament and the result was low 30s, just watch the video where he discusses the setup he has used.