Looking for the best and most realistic graphics settings to race on GT Sport?
As you can imagine having the proper graphics settings is very important in any racing game, especially for Gran Turismo Sport.
If you’re not seeing every detail from the track and opponent cars, then you’ll need to make some adjustments to your settings.
We’ve gathered some of the best graphics settings for you below and also included a short video tutorial on how to do that more specifically using HDR.
If you want to run the HDR settings make sure first that your TV or monitor is actually compatible with HDR.
The first thing you’ll want to do is go into your game settings and make sure that the resolution is set pretty high.
GT Sport Display settings
- Exposure Adjustment = 0.0 EV
- Adjust Saturation = 100
- HDR Output = On
- HDR Peak Brightness = 8
- 2K Output Mode for PlayStation = Prioritise Frame Rate
- Display Settings Assistant = Open
As you can see it’s all relatively simple and easy to do. Just make sure your resolution is high and that you have HDR enabled in your game settings.
GT Sport HDR Settings
If you’re using your monitor in HDR mode then you’ll want to follow these settings:
- Exposure Correction = 0.8 EV
- Adjust Saturation = 100
Of course, you can take these values as a starting point and you should then be able to experiment by yourself and see what works best for you.
So here were our recommended graphics settings for Gran Turismo Sport.
We hope that this guide was helpful and that you’ll be able to enjoy the game in all its beauty now.
Remember to also experiment a bit with the different settings to see what works best for you.
Good luck and we’ll see you on track! 🙂